quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012

Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche em Portugal

Domingo, 20 de Maio 2012

GUIMARÃES:  Escola Secundária Francisco de Holanda

9h30-12h30 – Tog-Chöd: “The power of now and the power of change”, 
also addressing how to develop a "happy mind in a blissful body".

 Tog-Chöd and "The power of change"

GUIMARÃES: Associação Convívio

 14h30 - 18h Lu-Jong and "The power of love”
addressing in particular "Love in Relationships"

Lu-Jong and "The power of love”: Love in Relationships

Segunda-feira, 21 de Maio 2012

9h -16h30 - Consultas de Medicina Tradicional Tibetana

Traditional Tibetan Medicine Consultations

PORTO: Serralves
17h30 – 19h30: Mindfulness and “The power of now”, 
addressing "Success in Life and Wisdom in Business"
Mindfulness and "The power of now": Success in Life and Wisdom in Business

Mais informações aqui

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